Wedding Wednesdays: You Absolutely Can’t Leave These Wedding Planning Tasks To The Last Minute [Episode 119]


While planning your wedding, there are several hundred tasks to be done! Getting the timing right is the secret to remaining sane. I’ve shared many times before that there are some tasks that you must leave for the home stretch (things like creating a seating chart). But there are also tasks that couples tend to put off… today I’m sharing a list of tasks that you absolutely can’t leave to the last minute!



Booking your wedding supplier team

There will be no wedding without a team of amazing wedding suppliers bringing it all together. It’s fairly common for wedding suppliers to be booked up 12 – 18 months in advance, so if you see someone you love, book them as soon as you have a date! 


Inviting guests

It is quite literally not a wedding without your friends and family there to celebrate with you. From a logistical perspective, you’ll rely on your headcount to make certain decisions: how much food will be needed, how many chairs to hire, how many wedding favours you’ll need, and so on. I always recommend creating a guest list before booking a venue (so you choose a venue that’s compatible with your ideal number of guests), then send Save the Dates a year out, with invitations going out a few months before. A rough guest list will help you stay within your budget, and the specific list of guests who have RSVPed will help you narrow down the details. 


Having a plan B

If there’s even a small chance it could rain on your wedding day or you may be hit with an uncomfortably hot day… have a plan B! And don’t wait until the week of the wedding to sort it out. When viewing your wedding venue, ask what their plan B is. When creating your budget, factor in your contingency plan (whether that’s a marquee, umbrellas, extra bottles of water and handheld fans for heat). Having a plan is one thing, you’ll also need to coordinate with your supplier team to action the plan!


Your menu

Don’t wait until a week or two before the day to confirm your menu! Work with your venue coordinator to discuss the timing, and when you’ll need to decide on your serving style (because that will impact the staffing options, the room set up and the timing of the evening) as well as the specific meal options. 


The paperwork

When you consider cake tastings and dress fittings, paperwork is pretty boring and easily overlooked, but it is so important. Speak with your solemniser about getting the legal bits together because you literally can’t get married without your green folder! If you need permits for anything, get them sorted asap! Make sure you’ve signed supplier contracts and asked any questions you have about the fine print. 


Writing your vows

The night before my wedding I was scanning through our vows and didn’t give it as much thought and attention as I would’ve liked! Thankfully we trusted our officiant and we had agreed on the general tone we wanted to go with, so we are both very happy with the finished product. But if I could go back in time, I would’ve taken more time to read through the vows carefully beforehand. If you are writing your own vows, don’t leave this til the last minute. Give yourself a head start (like three months) and jot down any ideas you have – you can edit them later. 


Checking your passports

If you are going on honeymoon right after the wedding or even a few days or weeks after, and you require passports to travel… get them sorted now. Make sure your passports have been renewed and you have plenty of empty pages inside. While we’re at it, if you need a visa, or any other travel documents, get them sorted with plenty of time to spare. 


And a list of a few things that can wait:

  • Wedding attire – don’t wait too long, but make sure you’ve got your date, location and aesthetic sorted first!
  • Song choices – while you want your band and singers to have enough time to learn your songs, you don’t have to decide on them right now. 
  • Smaller decor items – the details can wait. Get the big hitters sorted first. 
  • The seating chart – you’ll only be able to do this once all RSVPs come in which is usually about three weeks before the wedding.