Tips for a Great Grooms Speech

The Groom
grooms speech

For some grooms writing and delivering their wedding day speech is a very scary prospect. And we get it! If public speaking isn’t your bag, standing in front of your nearest and dearest can be very very scary. One way to get over the nerves is to be prepared. Using our handy ideas you’ll be ready to give a great speech and bonus, you won’t forget anything! 

1. Thank all the people! 

Father and mother of the bride, guests, your own parents, the best man, the bridesmaids, ushers and anyone else who contributed to the wedding. 

2. Don’t make it really long. 

Ten minutes is more than ample! It’s the perfect length of time to get all your points across, but not so long that your guests get bored. If you’re not overly confident a succinct two minute speech is perfectly fine. 

3. Have a great start. 

If you can put a smile on your guests faces at the very start of your speech, you’re on to a winner. Starting with something humours is always a good idea and will help you relax too. 

4. Don’t forget the main purpose. 

You’ve just married the love of your life, and that should be the main point of your speech. Share specific memories and feelings rather than ‘he/she is kind.’ 

5. Finish with the perfect quote. 

Leave your guests with a great quote that displays your feelings on your wedding day and for your future. Look to authors and poets for the one that speaks to you. 

We hope these tips help you along when the time comes to write your speech. If you fancy hiring the professionals have a lot at our recommended suppliers here. 

(Featured image: Ian Hennessy Photography)