Traditions and Superstitions: Things to Avoid on your Wedding Day

Planning & Advice

Wedding Supersitions - Knife Set

Last time we looked at good luck omens, and tips and tricks to make your day go smoothly.  Well, today we’ve once again scoured the wild (and definitely crazy) world of folklore, old wives’ tales and superstitions to bring you some of the bad luck omens and things to avoid to make your day a success!

(Please remember, superstitions should always be taken with a grain of salt they’re just for fun!)

1.  The most commonly known superstition? it is bad luck for the groom to see the bride on the morning of the wedding.

2.  Don’t wear your entire outfit before the big day it’s said to invite heartbreak and tragedy.

3.  Thinking of making your wedding dress yourself?  Some people belief that for each stitch you sew, you will shed a tear in your marriage.

4.  It is unlucky to shop for your wedding rings on a Friday.

5.  It’s bad luck to wear your wedding rings before the ceremony.  And it’s bad luck to take them off once they’ve been slipped on your finger.

6.  And don’t let the groom drop your wedding ring!  This is a disastrously bad omen, according to some.

7.  Have you been dreamily writing out your new married name before the wedding?  According to tradition this is bad luck, and tempting fate.

8.  The Victorians thought it was unlucky if your husband-to-be’s last name starts with the same first letter as your last name.  They even had a rhyme for it!

“To change the name and not the letter
Is to change for the worse and not the better.

9.  Here’s one for the guests giving gifts of knives or pins is bad luck, as it represents the severing of ties (cutting your friendship).  To avoid this, the bride or groom must give you a coin in return (usually just a penny!)  This represents buying the gift, which counteracts the bad luck.

10.  In Chinese culture it is considered bad luck to give a clock as a gift.  This is because the word for clock in Mandarin also means The End.

11.  It is considered bad luck to see a nun or a clergyman (apart from your priest, obviously!) on the way to your wedding.  They represent chastity and poverty not really things you want in your marriage!

Some Other Unlucky Omens?

  • A new wife tripping as she enters her new home (that’s why the groom is meant to carry her over the threshold!).
  • Seeing an open grave
  • Seeing a pig
  • Hearing a rooster crow after dawn.

There you have it! As we mentioned earlier, take with a grain of salt!