10 Wedding Planning Tips for Indecisive Couples

Planning & Advice
wedding planning tips

With wedding planning comes SO many decisions! If you and your partner are indecisive all these decisions may become stressful and overwhelming. Don’t panic, today we have ten tips to ensure you make it through wedding planning and out the other side as a happily married couple! 

1. Work out your priorities

Before you make any huge decisions work out your priorities. For every couple these will be different, some will know having a live band is an absolute must, whilst others are happy with a DJ. Take time to think through your absolute must haves and you’ll be off to a great start. 

2. Knuckle down on your overall vision 

How do you want your day to run – all in one venue, traditional religious ceremony followed by a marquee reception? Nail down the key points you want to achieve and work from there. 

3. Create your budget 

There’s no point in dreaming of 200 guests if in reality you can only afford to have 50! Go through your financial options and this should help you narrow down your choices. 

4. Set a realistic timeline 

Working to a realistic planning timeline will take away any overwhelm. Whilst planning a wedding in under 12 months is doable, having to make too many decisions at one time could cause you unnecessary stress. 

5. Cap your research 

There’s being prepared and then there’s being overwhelmed. You should be thorough with your research but try not to exhaust every single option or your choices will get too much. Friends and family recommendations are always a great starting point, as are the many supplier reviews on WoL! 

6. Create a tasks list and delegate 

You don’t want to feel like you are the only one making decisions and bookings. Create a task list and delegate them your partner and any family and friends who you trust and have offered their assistance. 

7. Go with your gut 

Most couples won’t have planned a wedding before so it is vital you trust yourself and your gut instincts. Be sure to fall back on your own thoughts and personal style, don’t seek out the opinion of 20 people before you make a decision. 

8. Keep planning personal 

Go with what you love and what suits your personal style as a couple – that’s the secret to hosting a love-filled and authentic wedding day. 

9. Know what you don’t like 

If you have a good idea of the things you don’t like or don’t have a strong affinity to this will help you no-end during the planning process. 

10. Consider hiring a wedding planner 

If your budget allows consider hiring a wedding planner to help guide you through any tricky decisions. Their wealth of knowledge of the wedding industry will prove invaluable to you, especially if you are still finding the decision making very trying! 


(Image: DK Photo)